Pooja Bhatti, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the spring 2019 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Italy and Austria

Pooja is a first-year student at the British Columbia Institute of Technology studying Human Resource Management. She recently completed her bachelor’s degree in Physiology and Neuroscience at the University of British Columbia and hopes to work in Human Resources as part of an organization dedicated to scientific advancement upon graduation. When she’s not busy completing group projects or studying for the next midterm, you can find Pooja writing raps about neuroscience (really, there’s videos on YouTube), painting her nails, dancing, or volunteering for Science Slam Canada. She will be attending the BCIT School of Business Field School Program in Austria and Italy this summer and is looking forward to stepping outside of her comfort zone and exploring fields that she has little familiarly with. She hopes to learn about some of the famous luxury brands in Europe as well as eat amazing food. 

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