Thanks to BCCIE and the Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE), 20 lucky secondary school students from across BC have arrived in Beijing, China, on July 14! The students are participating in the Beijing International Student Summer camp, which each year unites high school youth from over 20 countries for a 10-day "life-changing" exchange program in China's historical capital. Students are now experiencing a whole new different culture and enjoying arranged activities while intensifying their interpersonal skills and communication among Chinese and other overseas students.

Students practicing Chinese calligraphy, and showing off their great work.








Students at the Beijing National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest, where the 2008 Summer Olympics took place.

In the next few days, students will be visiting places such as the Tian'an men Square, Forbidden City, and Great Wall of China, as well getting the chance to try Beijing's most famous cuisine, the Peking Duck!

For more information, visit the BIEE program website.

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