Sarah Ganton, Capilano University
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Sarah Ganton, Capilano University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Sarah Ganton is 23 years old and a Capilano University student. She is currently working towards her Bachelor of Business Administration Degree with a concentration in Human Resources Management. She has also previously acquired an Accounting Assistant Certificate from the University in 2014. Sarah has never moved, she has lived and grown up in North Vancouver her entire life. She may not have a lot of international travel experience but is looking forward to a new challenge. She is excited to step out of her comfort zone by meeting new people and expanding her views while living and studying at the MCI Management Centre Innsbruck in Austria. 


Category: News Article
Trisha Bhamra, Camosun College
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Trisha Bhamra, Camosun College, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

This is Trisha Bhamra, a second-year Dental Hygiene student at Camosun College. She was born and raised in Punjab, India and moved to Kelowna, BC with her family about 13 years ago. She loves exploring and immersing herself in different cultures. She believes it makes her spiritually more well-rounded. When asked about the idea of a fulfilling life, the first thing that comes to Trisha’s mind is travelling. During her time on this planet, she would like to have experienced as many different cultures as possible. Trisha admires and respects the cultural differences and similarities. With the help of the BCSA scholarship, she will have the opportunity this summer to attend a field...

Category: News Article
Liam Grigg, University of Victoria
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Liam Grigg, University of Victoria, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Liam Grigg is currently a fourth-year Business Student at Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. After graduation, he hopes to pursue a career in international business with a focus on sustainable development and poverty reduction. Liam is passionate about environmental preservation and exploring innovative methods to combating global problems. To gain international experience during his degree, he spent seven months volunteering in the Southern Province of Zambia, where he helped teach rural communities business skills. This provided him many opportunities to learn about different cultures and develop his understanding of our global community. In Liam’s second to last semest...

Category: News Article
Mariam Ali, Heidelberg, one of the many cities I visited in Europe.
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By Mariam Ali, Simon Fraser University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship and a member of the BC Study Abroad Writer in Residence Team

One of my biggest concerns before my exchange in France was earning enough money to pay for it. My uncle recommended that I create a budget and find out in advance how much rent, transportation, food, entertainment and travel would all cost. By talking to other students who had already went on exchange in France, I learned that I would need roughly $15,000 to fund two semesters and live comfortably. Using the advice and the information I received, I set about making a plan to earn enough money for my exchange.

I applied for as many scholarships and bursaries as I could, working hard to boost my GPA above 3.5 out of 4...

Category: Writers In Residence
