By: Drew Moffatt, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad Destination: Barcelona, Spain
When coming home I knew it would be a big change yet again to adjust back to. It wasn’t until the end of my semester abroad did Barcelona start to feel like my second home; the food and the late eating hours, the laidback lifestyle of the city, and livelihood of its people. However, I did miss Vancouver a lot. My time away really showed me what I love so much about my country and what I shouldn’t take for granted. There are some things that I love a lot about Barcelona and even Europe; the food, the people, the siestas (best thing ever), and just little places that I won’t be able to find at home. There are so many things I wish I could bring home with me, but all that will be returning with me is the tacky souvenirs and the memories.
I feel like now that I am home I am combining two sides of myself. My west coast Vancouver self and my European Spanish self. The ways of life for both cities are both very quite different, yet very similar at the same time. I can’t wait to showcase all the things I learned while I was away to my family and friends. The new recipes and the 5,000 photos I will have to share. Making this choice to study abroad was the best decision I have ever made for myself. Never have I been so pushed outside my comfort zone. As well as, never have I felt so ready to take on this next chapter in my life. I missed Canada and I know I will miss Spain in due time. It will definitely not be the last time I will visit. But for now, I am so focused on finishing my BBA and taking all these life lessons that I learnt when I was gone and putting it into action back home.
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