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On March 12, 11 students, one mom and two teacher chaperones from Ballenas Secondary School in Parksville flew from Nanaimo to Vancouver to Frankfurt to Athens, Greece for a 12 day tour with EF. We visited Athens, Delphi, Olympia, Epidauros, Mycenae, Nafplio, Cape Sunio. We took a day cruise in the Saronic Gulf and visited Hydra ( a beautiful island where there are no cars – if you want to go somewhere, you can go by boat, by foot or by donkey), Poros and Aegina. We also took a cruise to Mykonos, Kusadasi in Turkey (to see Ephesos), Patmos (for the Grotto of the Apocalypse), Crete (for the ruins of Knossos) and Santorini.

Highlights? You ask. Well, the answers varied. Yes, students were astounded by the Acropolis and Ephesos and Mycenae. Yes, they loved riding the donkeys up the cliff of S...

Category: Student Blog
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By Megan Bondurant

In a word, our trip was unbelizable. We were nine Grade 11 and 12 students from Edward Milne Community School (EMCS) traveling with our two Biology teachers to a crazy, wonderful, Central American country on a packed 8 day tour.

We literally got our feet wet on the first day traveling to the majestic ruins of Lamanai. The hour long boat ride to the Mayan ruins motored through dense jungle and unveiled monkeys, crocodiles, lush foliage and a myriad of beautiful birds. Towards the end of the boat ride, the skies darkened and our boat driver quickly threw his shoes in a small cupboard. Seconds later, we were pounded with rain so hard and loud it drowned our cries of surprise and laughter. The shower lasted only a short while but we felt like we had b...

Category: Student Blog
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Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD) is pleased to announce that the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom has launched the competition for awards available to Canadians for graduate study at the PhD level in the United Kingdom (UK). These awards are funded by the United Kingdom Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in conjunction with UK universities.

Deadline:  March 9, 2015

For more information, visit:

Category: News Article
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By Dorothy Barenscott, Ph.D.

When students ask me why I became an art historian or when I knew I wanted to become a professor, I tell a story about education and travel. It happened on the first day of a Grade 12 Western Civilization class when the teacher, Mr. Kennedy, coming in slightly late, out of breath, and with a freshly processed stack of slides from the printing lab, regaled us with stories about his summer trip to Europe from which he had literally returned the day before. Over the next hour, he showed us slide after slide of his adventures, featuring many of the amazing architecture, paintings, and sculptures we would be studying in his class. The passion and enthusiasm with which he spoke was infectious, and the connection between education and travel would bea...

Category: Student Blog
