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By: Brooke MacNab, University of Victoria

Over the last year and a half, I have been studying Chinese language and culture at The University of Victoria (UVic). This winter break, I had the opportunity to be a guest of South China University of Technology for eleven exciting and wonderful days on an educational scholarship program between the provinces of British Columbia, Canada and Guangdong, China.

As the plane descended towards the airport after 12 hours in the air, the cityscape of Guangzhou appeared and seemed to occupy the landscape as far as one could see, bathed in the evening sunset. Buildings of all sizes and shapes stretched out for what seemed like forever, and although I regrettably don’t have any photos, I will remember the awe and wonder I felt in th...

Category: Student Blog
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The Stories from Abroad Scholarship is back for spring 2019! So, what are you waiting for? Apply by March 1, 2019 for a chance to receive $1,000 to help you go abroad!

Look for Stories from Abroad: $1000 British Columbia Study Abroad Scholarship on the Financial Aid page for more information.


  1. You are currently enrolled at a BCSA Consortium institution; and,
  2. You are currently enrolled in a short-term study abroad program or have been accepted into a short-term study abroad program between January - August 2019.


  • T...
Category: News Article
Cheyenne Rode
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By Cheyenne Rode, Vancouver Island University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship, member of the Writer and Residence Team

Study Abroad Destination: Melbourne, Australia

  1. Gain a new perspective about the world. Before my first study abroad to the Netherlands, I had not done much traveling and my views on the world were based on the trips to resorts in Mexico I had done with my family, what I had heard from other people, and TV/Movies. So it was safe to say I had no idea what it was really like outside my country. Living in a new country, especially one where English wasn’t the first language, changed this drastically for me. I found that the longer I spent abroad the more I started t...
Category: Writers In Residence
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By Julie Han, Simon Fraser University, winner of the 2018 (Spring) Stories from Abroad Scholarship, member of the BC Study Abroad Writer in Residence Team

Study Abroad Destination: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Be prepared for Paris and all it has to offer, and the very aggressive ways Paris will offer it. Without fail, Paris fails to live up to its expectations. But, with expectations that high can anyone be surprised? And I too can attest that this phenomenon of many names is a hundred percent true. But, it is unfair. Paris does live up to its expectations, just not all the time and never at the right times.

I arrived in Paris in the early evening as the light began to wane. After losing myself in the streets, both literally and figuratively,...

Category: Writers In Residence
