Morocco, North Africa
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By: Drew Moffatt, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Barcelona, Spain

As the common saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. The same goes for countries around the world. With people having an abundance of information at their fingertips, we can easily get misconstrued as to how we perceive a country nowadays. From social media to multiple news outlets, one never knows what to believe anymore.

I’ve always believed in the phrase “one must see it to believe it”. When travelling to Europe and being on exchange everyone was constantly worrying about my safety. During my time off from studies, I started to plan my little travels away from Barcelona...

Category: Student Blog
Julie Han, Simon Fraser University
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By: Julie Han, Simon Fraser University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Two weeks before my return, I sent my parents a list of foods I expect waiting for me either at home or in the car as soon as my feet touch Canadian soil. Demanding? Yes. Necessary? Yes. Of course, I missed my parents, my friends, and my dog. And of course, I miss my friends in Amsterdam, as well as the cheap beverages. But, in the past 72 hours, I’ve managed to eat myself into a pretty impressive food coma while staring at big beautiful mountains and breathing in fresh West Coast air. As soon as that panicking feeling every couple of minutes that I don’t remember where I parked my bike, I think...

Category: Student Blog
Julie Han, Simon Fraser University
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By: Julie Han, Simon Fraser University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I was genuinely surprised how quickly my life fell into the rhythm here in Amsterdam. Although, it took a significant amount of effort to start falling in the right direction. Outside of classes, I began fencing again and joined the student club, which luckily happened to be just down the road. I used to be a competitive fencer, but I quit after secondary school for some very long and complicated reasons. Another essential element of my life here in Amsterdam was Louise, a German exchange student who lived at the other end of the hall. Louise became my favourite person in Amsterdam.


Category: Student Blog
Photo credit: Sarah Spencer
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By: Charlotte Telfer-Wan, Simon Fraser University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Auckland, New Zealand

In the beginning, I, Charlotte Telfer-Wan, had a plan. I wanted to know everything about contemporary dance. I wanted to figure out what dance is like around the world. I still do, but now, after my wonderful semester studying abroad in New Zealand, my outlook on dance and post-secondary study has changed.

Students study subjects that they are interested in enough to continue learning about for potentially, the rest of their careers. These subjects seem enclosed in the walls of the university, however even in an undergrad degree the mind is continuously searching for knowledge of the...

Category: Student Blog
