Lucy Dabbs
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By: Lucy Dabbs, Georges P. Vanier Secondary School, participant of the 2017 Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE) Summer Camp.

After we are nourished and briefly rested on the bus ride, it’s time to walk around a massive shopping centre for 4 hours! I was prepared to go shopping, and am very glad to hear we were aloud to go off independently if we met back for dinner.

The first store I go into is a clothing store, and my first hour is spent trying on clothes and getting used to the different sizes, which I find to be much smaller than Western sizing. I do like the styles of clothing though, they seem a lot more colorful than our boring gray clothes back home.

I pull myself from the enticing fashions and explore the rest of the mall with a friend fro...

Category: Student Blog
Lucy Dabbs, Great Wall of China
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By: Lucy Dabbs, Georges P. Vanier Secondary School, participant of the 2017 Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE) Summer Camp.

People surrounding you, pressing in on all sides, hot bodies brushing against one another. A sea of orange shirts soaked with sweat, people speaking different languages all around you. You are standing on a steep incline, on stone steps about a foot high and half a foot wide. Somebody trying to squeeze past on your left knocks you off balance, your heel goes off the edge of the step and you waver backwards. You catch yourself just before you teeter into the person behind you, a glance over your shoulder showing a bad potential for the domino effect if someone were to fall.

Your feet anxiously want to move, you move your head from s...

Category: Student Blog
Adeline, Moraine Lake, AB-Canada
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By Adeline Hadijanto, International Hotel Management student at Royal Roads University

Being a full-time student limits my time to travel around the world, so I decided to make the most out of it whenever I get the chance. It has been three years since I left Indonesia for British Columbia, Canada to pursue my study, and it has been one dynamic journey. I experienced several challenges, from having cultural shock to feeling lost in this diverse community. However, this all turned into a fulfilling adventure over the years. I gained more skills and become adaptable, mindful and respectful as I live in this multicultural environment.

A year ago, I received an email from my university about an exchange opportunity, and after scanning through the list of countries I fel...

Category: Writers In Residence
Gigi Lin
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By Gigi Lin, Simon Fraser University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship and member of the BCSA Writer in Residence Team.

Can’t believe it’ll be 2018 in a few weeks! Where did all the time go…

If we rewind back and rehash November: it was a pretty sweet month. I’ll glad to say I really enjoyed the presentation component of the BCSA scholarship in where I had the opportunity to co-present at a Study Abroad 101 Session. I even met a student whom is thinking of attending my host Uni (Uni of Bath) next year! When she set up a meeting with me – wanting to know all about how exchange was, what preparations I had done before departing, how I felt after coming back, etc. – it reminded me of when I sat down with a fellow student, about a month before...

Category: Writers In Residence
