Make the world your classroom! Don’t miss the Study and Go Abroad Fair if you are considering studying abroad. Meet with over 90 universities from around the world, many of them ranked in the Top 100 worldwide. Find out about short-term and long-term study programs, degrees, diplomas and certificates. Learn about admission requirements, scholarships, program choices and exciting destinations.
Visit the Travel Zone for Gap Year and other travel options: internships, language travel, volunteering and work abroad.
For information on who’s coming, scholarships, seminars and what you can win in the Grand Prize Draw, check the website on www.studyandgoabroad.com or follow us on facebook Study and Go Abroad Fair or on twitter (@studygoabroad).
WHAT: Study and Go Abroad Fair – September 27th
WHERE: Vancouver Convention Centre, East Ballroom
WHEN: Expo opens 1pm to 5pm, but come early at noon to catch our first seminar on ‘Scholarships, Myths and Tips Uncovered’
Admission FREE
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