Fine Arts Field School 2015

United States , North America Italy , Europe Past Program Humanities

Recommended Credits: ARTH 3100, FINA 3202, FINA 3202
Program Website:


Experience travel, study, and art making in the vibrant cities of New York and Venice while studying their historic past, contemporary culture, and visual arts. Visit the world’s leading art exhibitions and spaces including the 2015 Venice Biennale and the established and alternative art institutions, galleries and sites that New York-- the world’s art center--has to offer.

A full itinerary of visits to New York and Venice museums, galleries, and key sites of interest related to modern and contemporary art, photography, architecture, and film history await you, including the Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim, Metropolitan Museum, and a comprehensive tour of the 2015 Venice Biennale. Special studio access will also be made available to students in Venice in a master printer’s atelier to do traditional printmaking (etching, relief, collagraph) drawing, painting, sculpting and/or book binding. Learn about and make art alongside like-minded students and faculty!

New York, USA and Venice, Italy

Info Sessions
Monday, January 12, 2015 from 1 - 2 pm, Surrey campus Fir building 124

Faculty Leaders
Dorothy Barenscott, and Nancy Duff


Classes at KPU

Pre-departure orientations and classroom sessions May 4-22

Departure for New York

May 25 (tentative)

Departure for Venice from New York June 8 (tentative)

Return to Vancouver

June 15 (tentative)


Tentative Itinerary
More detailed information: New York and Venice Field School 2015

The program fee is $2,500 and includes accommodation, city transportation and airport transfer, museum/gallery/exhibition and Venice Biennale admissions, and 3 group meals.

Note that, flight, personal expenses, additional meals and tuition and fees are not included.

Classes Offered
Individual or all of the following 3 credit courses can be taken (9 credits total)

*please note that separate credits are available for both FINA 3202 Special Topic Courses

ARTH 3100: New York/Venice Biennale: Inside and Outside the Institutions of Modern Art

FINA 3202: Art in the City: Studio Practices, New York/Venice Biennale

FINA 3202: Open Studio Atelier in Venice

ARTH 3100: Any 6 credits of first or second year ARTH courses, or permission of the Instructor.

FINA 3202: Any 6 credits of first or second year FINA courses, or permission of the Instructor.

If you are unsure of your qualifications, please contact Instructors with questions.

Contact Information

Application Deadline
January 31, 2015