Thompson Rivers University
We would like to thank everyone who entered the 2019 BC Study Abroad Photo Contest. We received some AMAZING photos this year from a wide cross-section of students and alumni.
Thank you again, Study and Go Abroad, for sponsoring our grand prize of a GoPro Camera!

By: Michelle Davies, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad Destination: Switzerland
Traveling abroad to study is both exciting and terrifying. It is a whirlwind of emotions. From my two experiences studying abroad, and working with numerous outbound students at my university, most imagine their time away through rose coloured glasses. Few prepare for the reality that struggles and mental health challenges may very well present themselves on our "trip of a lifetime."
By: Michelle Davies, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad Destination: Switzerland
At the feisty age of 4 years old, I promptly told my older brother: “you are not the boss of me, I know more than you do,” as I scaled the fridge in search of the candy cupboard. This offered insight towards the independent person I would become. There was little I didn’t want to do on my own and rare that I asked for help.
By: Michelle Davies, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad Destination: Germany
Megan Graham, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Michelle Davies, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
By Janna Wale, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship and a member of the BC Study Abroad Writer in Residence Team.
By Janna Wale, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship and a member of the BC Study Abroad Writer in Residence Team.
If you are anything like me (poor university student), budgeting is your best friend. This becomes especially important when travelling. The more places you want to see, the more things you want to experience, the better you have to be about keeping track of your money. Luckily, I picked up a few tips about travelling on a budget, even in a more expensive country like Spain.
By: Katlyn Bieber, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.
By: Katlyn Bieber, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.
Food has been a big part of my exchange so far, both in Graz and in all of the places that I have been fortunate to visit. Below I will highlight some of the foods (or drinks) that I have been able to try so far!