Alec Weinstein, North Island College, winner of the Fall 2022 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad Destination: France
Alec Weinstein was born in Victoria and raised in Campbell River, British Columbia. He is a 3rd-year student at North Island College completing a BBA with a major in marketing. Currently, he is studying at Université Savoie Mont Blanc in the French Alps. In France, Alec is completing a double degree program, with his French degree being a bachelor of Outdoor International Sales and Promotion. Alec loves learning languages, meeting people, experiencing life in different cultures and tasting new foods, so being able to live in France has been a true pleasure fo him. Alec is excited to have the opportunity to share his study abroad experience with other like-minded university students in British Columbia and inspire others to take the leap to live and study in a foreign country.
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