Razma Hazarat, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2019 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad Destination: Accra, Ghana
Razma is a Linguistics student at Simon Fraser University and is currently studying abroad on exchange in Ghana. She is extremely thrilled to accept this scholarship from BCSA. As her parents are Afghan refugees, Razma has always worked hard to fund her own education through work and applying for various scholarships. She decided to apply for the exchange program to challenge herself by learning in a new environment, immersing herself in a unique culture, and building long lasting relationships from students across the world. She loves volunteering with autistic individuals and hopes to contribute more to this population as a Speech and Language Pathologist. Being in Ghana also opens many doors for unique volunteer opportunities with organizations that aid autistic children and orphanages for the deaf. She is very excited to share her everlasting memories once she returns to Vancouver.
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