Sophia Berezowski, Capilano University, winner of the Fall 2021 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad Destination: Aarhus, Denmark
Sophia is a third-year Motion Picture Arts student at Capilano University. Next spring semester Sophia plans on attending the New Screens Experience at VIA University in Aarhus, Denmark. Creativity has always been a huge part of her life has been in dancing, singing, and acting all throughout elementary and high school, so film really felt like a natural progression to her. After having focused on filmmaking for three years already, Sophia is beyond excited to go back into other creative realms through this program and develop herself through studying abroad. Sophia enjoys lavender tea, the colour yellow, crystals, and fresh bread with butter. Her closest friends keep her happiest of all and although she’ll be begging them to come with her, Sophia is looking forward to adding many new ones into her life.
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