Mariam Ali
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By Mariam Ali, Simon Fraser University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.

It has now been two months since I came back from Europe, and five months since I finished my exchange in Strasbourg. I spent my summer travelling around the continent, visiting exchange friends in their countries and exploring their cities and villages with them. It was hard for me to come back to Vancouver after all of these adventures; I was crying as the day of my departure arrived and passed. I miss the lifestyle that I had in France, the short commutes, visiting other cities conveniently, being close to everything, the good food (especially the cheese). I also miss my exchange friends; I often watch them on Facebook as they graduate, travel and pursue new opportunities. Most o...

Category: Student Blog
Adeline Hadijanto, Royal Roads University
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We are pleased to announce our new writer, Adeline Hadijanto, for joining our Writers in Residence Team!

Adeline is an Indonesian born in Vancouver. She is now 21 years old with a passion for travelling. She currently resides in Victoria, BC and is enrolled in the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management at Royal Roads University. Tourism is a big part of her life, and while she has to maintain her education, she continuously seeks opportunities that allow her to travel at the same time. Adeline loves being outdoors, exploring hidden gems and capturing memorable moments!

Adeline will be posting her experiences in the next 6 months, so be sure to check out Writers in Residence regularly!

Category: News Article
Alice Wang, Tuileries Garden, Paris.
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By Alice Wang, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship and a member of the BC Study Abroad Writer in Residence Team

I have reflected long and hard about what sort of advice/suggestions/recommendations I could give to someone going to study-abroad whom I have never met and never will. So far, I have deftly averted that task tacitly imposed onto me as a Writer-in-Residence by focusing on anecdotal stories from my personal experience that I would not dare extrapolate as “life-lessons” to impart on anyone. A whole constellation of events would have to fall into place for me to insist that my idiosyncratic history should bear any weight on how you should create yours. In short, I have never felt qualified to give advice.


Category: Writers In Residence
Sean Paul Veltmeyer
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By: Sean Paul Veltmeyer, Langara College, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.

Sunday morning I wake up to vibrations and the sound of jackhammers. Several minutes of shaking pass and I lose any hope of reprieve from the cacophony. Down a floor I turn a corner to find that the hallway to the gym, functional just yesterday, has overnight turned into an impassible rubbish heap; full of smashed tiles and debris. It appears I have discovered the source of the jackhammering. It’s sunny outside and there is much to see so I settle for a walk in the city.

Within steps I’m perspiring, but, despite the heat and humidity, there is a pleasant breeze and the air is palatable. A blue sky, green trees, and brown and grey buildings with colourful (often red) signs m...

Category: Student Blog
