Lucy Dabbs
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By: Lucy Dabbs, Georges P. Vanier Secondary School, participant of the 2017 Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE) Summer Camp.

As a little kid I used to create menus, usually for my dream restaurant that would serve every one of my favourite foods, from Mac and cheese to Nanaimo bars. These menus were written in different coloured markers, under the category of lunch breakfast, dinner, and dessert. On the dessert menu, of all the possible ice cream flavours I could have desired, green bean was not the first that came to mind. It wasn't even the forty fifth I thought of. However, here in the summer palace of Beijing, I wonder why I had never thought of it. Of course it would be a great ice cream flavour! China has thought of everything I realized, from the moments...

Category: Student Blog
Lucy Dabbs
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By: Lucy Dabbs, Georges P. Vanier Secondary School, participant of the 2017 Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE) Summer Camp.

There was lots of extra time and I got talking to one of our instructors, who was actually only 17. He and his friends were from Beijing and were volunteering for this camp to gain more experience with international programs. They were planning on applying to English universities overseas and wanted something that would set them apart on their application. They explained to me that only a small percent of international students from Asia have a chance of getting into universities in the US and they have a lot of other Asian countries to compete against.

It was one of the conversations where I felt I had a look at the real China. Th...

Category: Student Blog
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By: Lucy Dabbs, Georges P. Vanier Secondary School, participant of the 2017 Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE) Summer Camp.

Deoxyribonucleic acid, the carrier of all genetic information, containing the fundamental characteristics that make us unique. Today, I stared at a clumpy white blob floating in a test tube of blue raspberry gatorade that was my DNA. I looked around the classroom at the other students examining their own white clumpy blobs,and smiled at this awesome opportunity within the Beijing Royal school. Today was a learning day.

Having the whole day to try different classrooms really allowed us to have more freedom with our day. We could choose to not go to class, take an always needed nap, have some down time, wander around the track with f...

Category: Student Blog
Janna Wale
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By Janna Wale, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship and a member of the BC Study Abroad Writer in Residence Team.

Even though January 2018 will mark one year since I boarded a plane to begin my big adventure of living in Scotland, things that I learned while living overseas are still fresh in my mind. Having these past months to reflect on my experiences of spending four months living within another culture, I have come to the conclusion that it was an opportunity worth taking. I would not trade experiences for the dollars I had to spend to be in that moment. 

One of the biggest takeaways from my exchange would be the independence I gained, and the confidence I found while living away from my friends and family. In my opinio...

Category: Writers In Residence
