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Situated within vibrant Europe, Scotland is a progressive nation built on dynamism, creativity, and the warmth of its people. Located in the mid-west of Europe, Scotland may be small but it’s punching well above its weight. Occupying the northern third of Great Britain the country shares a border with England in the south and packs some of the most stunning scenery in all of the UK into its borders. 

Next summer, Douglas College is organizing a field school to Scotland where students can earn nine university-transferable credits in only seven weeks!

Students will study four weeks at Douglas College, one week in London, and two and a half weeks based at the University of Edinburgh.

London highlights

  • A play at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
  • A...
Category: News Article
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By: Bob Emmanuel Mulamba​, Simon Fraser University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Tokyo, Japan

Apart from the initial disconnect from everyday life that I felt in my early time spent back home, parts of me wish and long for those feelings I once had abroad in Japan. My experience has served to grow me as an individual and to this day I still find myself learning from the experiences I had abroad.

No one really warns you about the initial shock of coming back home. The shock of realizing just how different things are. When you decide to fully immerse yourself in a new culture, speak another language on a daily basis, hang...

Category: Student Blog
A very colourful Linguistics Department Dinner
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By: Razma Hazarat, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2019 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Accra, Ghana

After a long 5 months, of course I was incredibly happy to come back home. Aside from all of the amazing friends I’ve made, there is a list of other things I'll greatly miss. Here are the top 5 that come to mind. (1) Constantly snacking on fresh fruits and veggies: there was a cute little market just steps behind my dorming building. You don't bargain here, but make sure you come by with a Ghanain friend for your first few times to get the best pricing on your following visits. (2) Huge mangos the size of my face for less than a...

Category: Student Blog
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The Stories from Abroad Scholarship is back for fall 2019! So, what are you waiting for? Apply by October 28, 2019 for a chance to receive $1,000 to help you go abroad!

Look for Stories from Abroad: $1000 British Columbia Study Abroad Scholarship on the Financial Aid page for more information.


  1. You are currently enrolled at a BCSA Consortium institution; and,
  2. You are currently enrolled in a short-term study abroad program or have been accepted into a short-term study abroad program between September - December 2019.


Category: News Article
