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Are you a BC student looking to pursue graduate studies or higher in Colombia? If you are, you may be eligible for the Call in English Scholarship offered by the Government of Colombia! 

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must meet all the following criteria:

  • be a professional under 50 years old
  • have an undergraduate degree (university degree or bachelor) in different disciplines
  • have a grade point average of 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • have at least 1 year of professional experience in your field of study
  • must have master the Spanish language (reading, writing and speaking). A certificate must be provided to prove these competences
  • must have the final admission to the Colombian educational institution in any car...
Category: News Article
Camille James, Vancouver Island University
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It was only a couple months ago that I packed my entire life into a suitcase, leaving Canada and everyone that I knew to begin my study abroad trip. Finally, I am beginning to get used to converting currencies in my head at the grocery store and having nearly everyone I talk to comment on my “Canadian accent.” School in England is very different from what I was expecting, but it is an experience to see how digital media courses are taught in a different country.

One of the hardest parts to wrap my head around academically were the assignments here; back in Canada it is common to have an assignment due every week for a class. In England, none of my classes had more than 2 assignments for the whole term, some of them only have 1 assignment worth 100%! Having assignments worth more definitely...

Category: Student Blog
Shelby Anderton, Douglas College
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Helen Keller said, “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”. Her words express a longing in my heart for adventure- to experience new places and culture, climb new summits and meet new people. Today however, as I sit here thinking about my impending departure this coming Friday to embark on the biggest adventure of my life, I feel as though I am grasping at the strings of that longing as something to hold on to, and frantically trying to stop shaking in my boots.

It was many months ago now that I was sitting in class, and one of my professors came to announce an opportunity for the Nursing students of Douglas College to go participate in a pilot field school experience in Shanghai, China, to experience firsthand the health care system there. Without a second thought I jumped a...

Category: Student Blog
Kyla Oshanek, Camosun College
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Why are you doing this? I recently attended a pre-departure workshop on building cultural competence and was asked this question. Each of the twenty-five or so attendees shared with the group their reason for participating in their respective field schools. Feeling a bit on the spot, I answered the first thing that came to mind: "I have always wanted to go to another country and volunteer, especially with children, and thought it was a great opportunity to do so through my program of study (dental hygiene)". After the workshop, I started to think more about that question. Why am I doing this? Why have I "always wanted to volunteer in another country"? Is it because it sounds like fun? What does that mean, exactly? 

Many of us don't take the time for self-reflection. In the digital age, our...

Category: Student Blog
