Melinda Ng, South Korea
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As a student who has never had the chance to live away from home before, I was not sure if I was ready to embark on a 10-month independent journey to a country where I could not speak the language. I have been asked frequently about the ideal length of time for an international exchange program but honestly, the answer to this question is subjective. I was really content studying abroad for two semesters. I took many things into consideration before deciding whether I should apply for one or two terms at the institution I wished to attend. In the end, I decided to apply for two semesters abroad and was overjoyed to receive permission to study for eight months at Seoul National University.

Before making my decision, I thought about what I really wanted to get out of my time abroad and wheth...

Category: Writers In Residence
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We are pleased to announce our 2016 Stories from Abroad: British Columbia Study Abroad Scholarship Winners!. Congratulations to:

  1. Camille James, Vancouver Island University
  2. Garrett Lakey, College of New Caledonia
  3. Kira Daley, Langara College
  4. Kyla Oshanek, Camosun College
  5. Malavika Santhosh, Simon Fraser University
  6. Shelby Anderton, Douglas College

Be sure to check out our student blog section regularly as our winners will be posting about their experiences abroad!

If you are interested in finding out more about our scholarships, please visit our Financial Aid section.

Category: News Article
Richard Gaudreau, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Studying or working abroad isn’t cheap. To help you decide whether you can afford it, the following is an overview of some of the less obvious costs I had poorly accounted for before leaving to work abroad. As well there are some helpful tips for those trying to budget effectively.  


In addition to the cost of accommodation, you should consider what you’ll need to buy for your new place. Will you be given thin sheets, cups, utensils, pots, pans etc.? If you need to buy additional items for your accommodation, you should add these costs to your accommodation budget.

Vaccines, Medical expenses and Health Insurance

If you are travelling to areas where you will need vaccines or other medication, your current...

Category: Writers In Residence
Lisa King
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I am going to provide you with a sample list that will help you pack properly for this amazing adventure.

I studied abroad in Colombia for two weeks and had to plan for two completely different climate zones. Our field school started in the high altitude capital city of Bogota and continued down to the tropical rainforest of the Amazon. Luckily we were able to leave half our gear in Bogota and pick it up upon our return.

The Essentials

Shots: Talk to your travel clinic at least six months prior to your trip and find out what is needed for the zones you will be entering. I needed malaria pills and a yellow fever shot. Some people react negatively to treatment so be aware of the possible side effects.

Identification and Mo...

Category: Writers In Residence
