Myself in Front of the Coliseum
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It’s been about a month since I have taken part in my amazing course abroad. In that time we studied art history in Florence and Rome encompassing the Renaissance, High Renaissance, and Baroque art including architecture. What I wanted was to enrich my education and build on subjects I have already studied to some extent. Not only was that achieved but it also was a catalyst in my future goals for education and travel.

In Rome I was also able to experience ancient Roman architecture leading into the Rome we know today. Coming out of the metro station in an entirely modern environment and all of a sudden being in front of the Coliseum is something that I have never experienced over in Canada. In terms of my own artistic practice I now have a better appreciation for the art that is often cas...

Category: Student Blog
Above Florence in Fiesole, myself looking out to the Duomo
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Half way through studying abroad in Italy, and I would have to say that it’s been absolutely amazing and unforgettable! For this course we’ve have 2 ½ weeks in Florence studying the Renaissance, and now our final 2 ½ weeks will be in Rome studying art and architecture.

During our time in Florence we stayed in a town about 40 minutes outside of the city. Figline Valdarno is a town that barely speaks any English, and our 16th century villa we’re staying in is about 10 minutes outside of that. It’s a type of family-oriented resort area, where camp sites and shared living are below with our villa situated above on a hill.

To date we’ve been to many of the churches, monasteries, and major attractions that bring so many people to Florence. In addition to this we have done day t...

Category: Student Blog
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BCCIE is working in partnership with the Taiwanese Youth Development Administration in Taiwan’s Ministry Of Education to send up to seven (7) BC post-secondary students to attend the Seminar on Youth Public Participation and International Humanitarianism in the Age of Globalization  in Taipei from October 17th-23rd, 2014

The selected students will represent Canada in a series of activities including:

  • In-depth seminar discussions

  • Experience-sharing in “world café” mode

  • Visits to a youth organization and a youth travel spot

  • Participation in Canada’s cultural performance to be performed at the Seminar Farewell dinner

  • The submissi...

Category: News Article
Photo credit: Kyubo Yun
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Announcing our BCSA First Timer Scholarship Award Winner!

Congratulations to Kaitlyn Corlett for winning our BC Study Abroad First Timer Scholarship Award!

Kaitlyn is a University of Victoria student traveling on a Langara College program in Italy right now. She will be sharing photos and her experiences abroad on our blog later this month, so stay tuned! 

Congratulations again. We can’t wait to hear all of your stories!

Click here for more exciting study abroad news

Category: News Article
