Photo credit: Randall Martin
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We are pleased to announce our Remes Family Study Abroad Scholarship Winner at this time. Congratulations to Meghan Thompson from the University of Victoria. Be sure to check out our student blog section ( Meghan will be posting her experiences as she travels. For information on study abroad scholarships please visit

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By Susan Seto

If you were to tell me five years ago that I would be living out of a suitcase for a year, I would think you were crazy. Last year, I decided to take a leap of faith to pursue my passion to go abroad.  It was a bold move to leave my career, apartment, and family and friends in Vancouver for the unfamiliar. Looking back, it was by far the best thing I did for myself in terms of personal and professional growth.

I had the opportunity to live in four different places through the Master of Global Business program at the University of Victoria. I studied in Canada, Taiwan, and Austria and completed a summer co-op term in Hong Kong. All of these were enriching in their own ways.

If you’re asking you...

Category: Student Blog
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Make the world your classroom! Don’t miss the Study and Go Abroad Fair if you are considering studying abroad.  Meet with over 90 universities from around the world, many of them ranked in the Top 100 worldwide.  Find out about short-term and long-term study programs, degrees, diplomas and certificates.  Learn about admission requirements, scholarships, program choices and exciting destinations. 

Visit the Travel Zone for Gap Year and other travel options: internships, language travel, volunteering and work abroad. 

For information on who’s coming, scholarships, seminars and what you can win in the Grand Prize Draw, check the website on or follow us on facebook Study and Go Abroad Fair or on twitter (@studygoab...

Category: News Article
Photo credit: Christina Wu
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Life at ESADE Business School has finally begun! The first week of welcome has concluded and all I can say is, "overwhelming, exhausting and a lot of fun." 

The daily grind here in Barcelona, Spain is a little different than Vancouver, BC. I'm slowly adjusting to the walks to the metro station, scenic train ride and then the 20 minute walk through the suburb of Sant Cugat before finally arriving at campus. When I arrived at school, it was strange to be dressing up for "CV photos" and finding my assigned seat in class after five years of going to the office. 

In Europe, it is not uncommon to attach a photo along with your resume (or CV) to show employers. I first found this quite surprising, since in Canada it would be considered a form of discrimination to select a candidate based o...

Category: Student Blog
