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British Columbia’s Ministry of Education announced that applications are now open for the Student Exchange Mobility Awards, which provides funding for groups of 5 or more K-12 British Columbia students traveling with their teachers.

So, be sure to check with your school and see if they are running a Study Abroad program this year!

For more information on the awards visit the International Education Scholarships Page.

Category: News Article
Jodogahama Beach
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By Chantal Moore, JET Programme alumni

There are many things you learn studying abroad, but the most important thing might be the development of a good heart. Being abroad matures you emotionally and teaches you how different people live in countries you have only read about online. You learn that your sense of poverty back home barely compares to another’s poverty in a less fortunate country. While it’s true you will gain valuable skills that boost employability, such as cross-cultural communications, the development of empathy may enrich your life most of all.

I’ve never studied abroad, but I did teach abroad. When I found out I was accepted to the JET programme, I demanded an urban placement. I’m a city kid – bring on the malls, restaurants and bullet trains! As...

Category: News Article
Gigi Lin, Cornerstone at Simon Fraser University
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By Gigi Lin, Simon Fraser University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship and member of the BCSA Writer in Residence Team.

A lot has happened in October. As I sit here typing away, I reminiscence back to this time last year, when I had attended the pre-departure orientation. It was the last info session before exchange, but also the first time I had connected with other students attending the same exchange institution. To prospective exchange students: I would really encourage you to take advantage of all the resources available from your home institution. The fairs and/or info sessions that take place are really helpful, and you’ll realize that for a lot of your worries and questions – other students have them too (and you’ll make...

Category: Writers In Residence
Katlyn Bieber
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By: Katlyn Bieber, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.

Since arriving home for the summer at the beginning of July, I have been keeping myself busy in order to transition back from my exchange life to my normal life here. I am working at the Visitor’s Centre in Clearwater, B.C. where I am still talking to people from around the world every-day (including some Austrians)! It definitely feels weird to be back in Canada, separated from my new friends. There are days where I wake up and I feel a pang of sadness that I won’t be riding my bike to school in Graz or hanging out with my awesome roommates and friends. The time I had with them was so short and yet I made relationships that I know will last for the rest of our lives! I am tr...

Category: Student Blog
