Garrett Lakey, College of New Caledonia
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It’s April 30th, the day before my trip to Costa Rica. In this Natural Resource Field School and Cultural Exchange class I will be experiencing and learning about how Costa Rica manages its natural resources and how this country balances the different land uses. Being that this is my first time leaving Canada, I am extremely excited about this opportunity. Preparing for this trip has been a new experience as well. Little things like applying for a passport, getting travel insurance, and taking a day-long Spanish class have been both interesting and overwhelming. I have been working on my Spanish, and feel pretty confident about the common phrases used like greetings, goodbyes, and thank you’s. I’m sure I will continue to learn the Spanish language as I spend time in Costa Rica.


Category: Student Blog
Melinda Ng, South Korea
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I did not want my study abroad experience to end and I am sure many of you feel the same way. I made so many amazing memories that I was scared of losing them forever! Though it is probably inevitable, you are likely going to forget some things you wish you wouldn’t. I tried to look on the positive side of this thought: if I am able to be reminded of a memory, it is a great feeling to think “wow I totally forgot I did that, it was awesome”! If you happen to be a bit forgetful, I find it much easier to recall your experiences when something else sparks the memory for you. Taking photos is without a doubt one of the easiest ways to do this! I’m not the best photographer. I don’t take many photos in Vancouver and the only camera I own is the one on my cellphone! Nevertheless, I was a photo-maniac wh...

Category: Writers In Residence
Andrea de Bruyns, Old Gothic Quarter, Barcelona
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Here’s an update on my study abroad experience so far: I’ve been here for almost 4 months, with only 2 months left until my journey is over. Spain is a beautiful country with a diverse landscape and culture. Between attending classes and studying, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to a few different major cities. Here are some places I’ve been to in Spain:

Barcelona is known for its architectural variety thanks to the famous architect Anthony Gaudi who designed the Sagrada Familia and Park Guëll. No matter where I walked in Barcelona the buildings were beautifully sculpted with many colours and designs, even the simplest apartment building looked like a piece of art.


Category: Student Blog
Nicolas Zdunich
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Turkey! The land of Turkish delights, the Blue Mosque, and the most delicious food I have ever eaten. When my study abroad adventure began in Milan, I was eager to explore the bustling countries that we so frequently see on our device screens. The Eiffel Tower, London Bridge, and the Coliseum were just a few of the “must see” landmarks that were constantly being pushed on me. They are magnificent, however I wanted to go on an adventure away from tourists.

During our International Student Orientation I met an Aussie who had been travelling for months prior to the exchange and his exact words were, “it doesn’t matter what else you see, you have to go to Turkey, and if you can you MUST go to Cappadocia.”

I have traveled a fair amount in recent years, so am usually quite weary to get a...

Category: Writers In Residence
