Beijing International Student Summer Camp
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Are you interested in going to China? The Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE) is once again welcoming secondary-school students from across British Columbia to join in the 2016 Beijing International Student Summer Camp! 

If you are a secondary-school student in BC interested in learning about one of the world's oldest civilizations, then this is your chance to participate. 

Not only will you learn about the Chinese culture while doing other fun activities like learning how to write in Chinese calligraphy and creating your own Chinese ink and wash painting, you also get to visit the famous Tian’an men Square, Forbidden City, Great Wall of China, Hutongs, Wangfujing Street and Silk Market! Let's not forget that this is also your chance to...

Category: News Article
Richard Gaudreau, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Hello, my name is Richard Gaudreau.

I was born in a very small French Canadian farming community in Saskatchewan, Canada. Since, I then also lived in Montreal, Calgary, and Victoria. I graduated from the University of Victoria with a BA in Political Science.

During my time in University, I had the opportunity to complete three separate work placements: working for the Canadian Navy, the Canadian Federal Government and a Global Online Marketing Company. I have also worked a lot of jobs not listed on my resume including short stints as a lifeguard, waiter, roofer, translator, and pallet production assistant, to name a few.

In the past five years, I also backpacked throughout South America, Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa. Among the many things that I was able to acc...

Category: Writers In Residence
Oana Salcescu, Amsterdam
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To read the previous posts from the Equilibrium: That Perfect Balance Between Work and Play series, click the following links: Part 1 | Part 2

Always remember – you have control.

As an international student, you’ll inevitably run into roadblocks. Whether it’s trying to find a new home to live in, figuring out your visa documents, or just feeling homesick and a bit lonely on another continent.

However, don’t despair!

Whenever I was faced trouble, my dad alway...

Category: Writers In Residence
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Have you recently returned from an internship or study abroad in Asia?

Are you planning to go or are you thinking about going to Asia?

Or are you just generally interested in learning and writing about contemporary Asian societies, economies, politics and cultures?

If so, this two-part workshop (March 2 and March 16) will give you some tools and techniques for identifying exciting Asia-related topics, developing an angle for your writing, and finding audiences and publication venues. The format will be a combination of instruction, discussion, and small-group work. By registering for the March 2 date, you are agreeing to attend both dates.

Instructor: Michael Bourne

Bio: Michael Bourne has been teachin...

Category: News Article
