Drew Moffatt
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By: Drew Moffatt, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship, member of the Writer and Residence Team

Study Abroad Destination: Barcelona, Spain

When studying abroad in Europe, one of the things I was most looking forward to was travelling solo. Being a female solo traveler is nothing new. Many women all over the world do it! There is this whole community of women and it’s honestly amazing to witness. Now that may not be every woman’s dream, but here is why you as a female should at least try it once!

1) You meet people you wouldn’t meet if you were travelling in a group – being solo makes you talk to more people whether it be aski...

Category: Writers In Residence
Michelle Davies
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By: Michelle Davies, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Switzerland

At the feisty age of 4 years old, I promptly told my older brother: “you are not the boss of me, I know more than you do,” as I scaled the fridge in search of the candy cupboard. This offered insight towards the independent person I would become. There was little I didn’t want to do on my own and rare that I asked for help.

How does this connect with study abroad? Going to Switzerland, I had to learn to let go of control. Not knowing German, nevermind Swiss German, forced me to accept that I wouldn’t and couldn’t always understand what was going on. Plus, I didn’t always understand how life oper...

Category: Student Blog
Cheyenne Rode
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By Cheyenne Rode, Vancouver Island University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship, member of the Writer and Residence Team

Study Abroad Destination: Melbourne, Australia

Before, during, and after my exchange, I did some travelling. I travelled in both Australia, the country where I was doing my exchange and South East Asia, as it was very close. Some of that traveling was with friends and other times it was alone. As a female, I was extra careful while traveling to keep myself safe. Five tactics I used were:

  1. Be connected at all times - Whenever I got to the airport of a new country the first thing I did was get a SIM card. I felt a lot safer knowing that if I needed to contac...
Category: Writers In Residence
Sarah Ganton, Capilano University
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By: Sarah Ganton, Capilano University, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Innsbruck, Austria

I have been at home in Vancouver for about two weeks now. My study abroad was about one month but I travelled for another two months before coming home. I am looking back at pictures and I can’t believe everything I experienced and I am so grateful for all of the people that I met. Studying abroad is really everything people tell you it is. I learned a lot about other people and cultures, as well as a lot about myself. I will touch on a few things I have learned about myself but I think there is a lot I still don’t realize.

A big takeaway from this experience was for me to be open to experiences, t...

Category: Student Blog
