Ever wonder what it would feel like to walk a portion of the Great Wall of China? To be a secondary student in Beijing? To visit the famous Tian’anmen Square and the Forbidden City? 40 lucky secondary school students from across B.C. got the chance to do just that. They spent 10 days engaging in cultural tours, visiting key Chinese landmarks, trying new cuisine, learning about Chinese history and testing out their mandarin skills at the annual Beijing International Student Summer Camp.

These 40 students weren't the only people at the camp though, there were other secondary school student from over 20 other countries. In order to celebrate the cross-cultural friendships that were formed over the ten days of cultural immersion, an International Friendship Carnival was held at the end of the camp. Each country was invited to put on a performance for the entire camp. Students decorated the booths for the carnival and exchanged small gifts with students from all the other countries. Click here to see the students rehearse for the Closing Cermony in 2014!

Here is what Brianne Bailey, a student who participated in the 2013 Summer Camp, told us about her experience two years ago

I arrived after a very long trip and over the course of the next 12 days I threw out all I had thought I knew about China and started over…When the trip was coming to an end, I had learned so much more about Chinese culture, many more stories about the Chinese people. I was torn to leave.

For more information about the Summer Camp, be sure to check out the BIEE website.

Check out some photos from this year's camp below!



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