Katlyn Bieber, calamari fried in garlic and butter
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By: Katlyn Bieber, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.

Food has been a big part of my exchange so far, both in Graz and in all of the places that I have been fortunate to visit. Below I will highlight some of the foods (or drinks) that I have been able to try so far!

Switzerland: I went to Bern, Switzerland for 4 nights to visit my friend who is studying abroad there! Because Switzerland is very expensive, I didn’t really eat out much. While I was there, my diet consisted of carrot sticks, chocolate, and radler. I did; however, try an interesting Swiss soft drink called “Rivella,” which is produced from milk whey. I tried a kind that was mango flavoured. It was very interesting but definitely not my...

Category: Student Blog
Julia Scott Lenz from Simon Fraser University
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We are pleased to announce the winner of the Fall 2017 Stories from Abroad: British Columbia Study Abroad Scholarship! Congratulations to Julia Scott Lenz from Simon Fraser University.

Born in Ontario and raised on Vancouver Island, Julia set out for Simon Fraser University to study Communication and International Relations. Here, she became invested in the campus life, working several positions at the university. In her spare time she loves hiking and exploring the local terrain. This January, she’s leaving SFU to focus her studies on geosciences and sociology at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Abroad, she is extremely excited to exercise her passions, such as meeting new people and cycling culture across much of Europe, before returning home to pursue sustainable transportatio...

Category: News Article
Janna Wale
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By Janna Wale, Thompson Rivers University, winner of the 2017 Stories from Abroad Scholarship and a member of the BC Study Abroad Writer in Residence Team.

You might be abroad right now feeling like you have just made the biggest mistake of your life. Why did you ever think exchange was a good idea? You clearly did not understand how hard this experience was going to be.

If you are feeling this way and are miles away from everything you love and know, I can promise you, you are not alone in feeling this way. Society today has become very fearful of the uncomfortable and the unknown.

In particular, North American society has set up residence within the familiar and the secure. To go anywhere the least bit different from the culture most of us have lived in our...

Category: Writers In Residence
The BC crew, arrived in Beijing, China
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By: Lucy Dabbs, Georges P. Vanier Secondary School, participant of the 2017 Beijing International Education Exchange (BIEE) Summer Camp.

In 10 hours and 2 minutes we will arrive in Beijing at 3:16 PM, 15 hours in the future. At least that's what the flight details scrolling across the bottom of the touch screen says, as I experiment with the different buttons of this fancy Air China TV. At a current ground speed of 690 km/h, climbing an altitude of 7212m with an outside air temperature of -25 degrees Celsius; that translates to about five airplane movies, a bag of Doritos, and 2 helpings of those little airplane meals served in plastic trays, until we finally stand on solid ground again.


Category: Student Blog
