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By: Alec Weinstein, North Island College, winner of the Fall 2022 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: France

When one envisions the Alps, the mind often conjures images of towering giants like Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn. Yet, beyond these awe-inspiring mountains, the region offers a wealth of other treasures to discover, including emerald-coloured lakes, delectable cuisine, and a rich cultural tapestry. This year, I've been fortunate to study and intern in the Alpine town of Annecy, aptly dubbed the 'Venice of the Alps' due to its charming old town and picturesque canals. Situated less than 40 kilometers from Geneva, Switzerland, Annecy remains a hidden gem that boasts one of the highest qualities of life in...

Category: Student Blog
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Are you currently studying or planning to study abroad in-person or virtually this fall? Apply now for a chance to receive a $500 (virtual study abroad program) and $1000 (in-person study abroad program) to enhance your learning experience abroad. BC Study Abroad Scholarships are now accepting applications.

Any student enrolled at a BC Study Abroad Consortium institution, who is enrolled in or accepted into a short-term, in-person or virtual exchange study abroad program is eligible to apply. Application deadline is October 6, 2023.

For more information or scholarship details, visit the BC Study Abroad Financial Aid page or contact info@bcstudyabro...

Category: News Article
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By: Tatu Meagher, Simon Fraser University, winner of the Fall 2022 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Japan

Finally, my study abroad journey is starting to come to a close. I think a lot of people like to share their experience within the first couple months, or somewhere in the middle, as those tend to be the most exciting. However, I’ve realized that the last few months of exchange are even more meaningful. Compared to all the time I’ve spent here, it’s been the more recent experiences that have been the most rewarding, as well as the most difficult. They have been full of memorable moments of happiness and joy, along with plenty of intensely melancholic and emotional moment...

Category: Student Blog
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By: Tatu Meagher, Simon Fraser University, winner of the Fall 2022 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Japan

In the first few weeks of returning to my home country, I came to understand why it is said that returning is always harder than leaving. Living day-to-day can become more difficult: adapting to a new (yet familiar) environment might affect ability for mental adjustment (e.g., mood regulation or understanding identity), interpersonal communication (e.g., home relationships or old friendships), and even physical adjustment (jet lag can be really horrible as we know!).

Study abroad is a wonderful opportunity for an individual to develop their own person. The strides...

Category: Student Blog
