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By: Anna Hawboldt, British Columbia Institute of Technology, winner of the Spring 2022 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Austria

Vienna is a city mixed with calmness and liveliness. During the days, the cars, bikes and trams move quickly throughout the city. Simultaneously people will be enjoying their coffees at a street side café with no intent on leaving soon. 

As the night falls, the restaurants prepare for their evening rush and the bars down by the canal open their stalls. The roads, bike lanes and sidewalks stay busy as people make their way to meet their family and friends.

As you move down to the canals you will pass people sitting on the edge. Their feet overhanging the water as they l...

Category: Student Blog
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Are you currently studying or planning to study abroad in-person or virtually this fall? Apply now for a chance to receive a $500 (virtual study abroad program) and $1000 (in-person study abroad program) to enhance your learning experience abroad. BC Study Abroad Scholarships are now accepting applications.

Any student enrolled at a BC Study Abroad Consortium institution, who is enrolled in or accepted into a short-term, in-person or virtual exchange study abroad program is eligible to apply. Application deadline is Thursday, November 10.

For more information or scholarship details, visit the BC Study Abroad Financial Aid page or contact info@bcstu...

Category: News Article
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Do you miss travelling? Dream of studying abroad? We do too!

Help us keep the dream alive by sharing your study abroad photo memories. Enter the 8th annual BC Study Abroad Photo Contest for a chance to win a $50 Visa Prepaid Card!

How to enter:

  • Follow @bc_studyabroad on Instagram
  • Enter the Photo Contest by posting your study abroad photos and tag @bc_studyabroad
  • You can enter the contest as many times as you like
  • Participants must adhere to the Terms and Conditions outlined below

Winner selectio...

Category: News Article
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By: Stephanie Wong, University of Victoria, winner of the Fall 2021 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Reykjavik, Iceland

In the blink of an eye, my time at the University of Iceland and my life in Reykjavik came to an end. The last week of classes was at the end of November, and the exam period started in the beginning of December. As my friends, floormates and I began studying, it also marked the upcoming end of our semester abroad. The life we had built for ourselves over the past 4 months would have to wrap up, even though it felt like we just arrived the day before. Looking back, my semester abroad was unforgettable, and I will never forget the people I had the opportunity to meet and spend time with. I a...

Category: Student Blog
