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Are you interested in studying abroad? If you are currently enrolled in, or have applied for a study abroad program you may be eligible to apply for the $1000 Stories from Abroad Scholarship.

Application Deadline: Monday, February 29, 2016

Application Submission:

For more information on the British Columbia Study Abroad Scholarship, visit BC Study Abroad Financial Aid

Category: News Article
Brendon Dawson, Qibao, Shanghai
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First we will start with a quick update from last month - I successfully obtained my residence permit! I am legally entitled to leave and remain in the People’s Republic of China for the next year. I feel good about that.

The month of October began with the celebration of the Golden Week - the Chinese National Holiday. The entire experience from my perspective was anything from relaxing. The city quickly empties as urbanites flock to their home provinces, this exodus is matched only by the mass inflow of provincial tourists coming to partake in the pleasures and sights of the city! Some of these rich experiences are seeing foreigners - the stares and gawks have been occurring at a larger rate than normal over the week. In addition, there have been fighter jets flying above us all week in c...

Category: Writers In Residence
Melinda Ng, South Korea
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You regret something you didn’t do more than you regret something you have done. I could not agree more with this statement as it is exactly how I feel about many of my experiences in the amazing city of Seoul.

I am so blessed to live within Metropolitan Vancouver - beautiful lakes, beaches, and mountains are literally at my doorstep. There are lots of friendly people, great food, and fun things to do all year round. I couldn’t be happier that my hometown is regarded as one of the best places to live in the world.

Even so, don’t be afraid to find yourself comparing your cities - embrace it! Because no two cities are alike, that is what makes it wonderful to travel. Try to do everything you find different and avoid what you can get at home. For example, I tried not shop at H&M or...

Category: Writers In Residence
Jerica Glassco, India
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We would like to thank everyone who entered the 2015 year end BCSA Contest. We received lovely stories, photos and albums from a wide cross-section of students and alumni.

BCSA helps make short-term study abroad more accessible, affordable and enjoyable for students from BC post-secondary institutions. The BCSA contest is hosted annually, so remember to check back again next year and participate to win great prizes!

Thank you again, Study and Go Abroad, for sponsoring our grand prize of an iPad Air!

The winner of our grand prize is Jerica Glassco from Vancouver. Jerica is a traveller, creative person, and a lifelong learner. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Education at SFU in the Professional Development Program, where...

Category: News Article
