Roya Firoozbakhsh, Germany
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After seeing eight countries and eighteen different cities, I am finally back in Vancouver. I was quite sad to say goodbye to my apartment, friends, and my favorite city, Berlin. It was definitely a mixed feeling between excitement to see my family, especially my brother whom I had not seen for two years and his new wife; and sadness at leaving Berlin. 

When I returned to Vancouver, I immediately had a wedding to go to and I experienced right away a major culture shock. I hadn’t dressed up, worn heels, or done my hair or make up in ages. Berlin in particular is not a place for any of that. Unlike Vancouver, Berlin was very simple: people there don’t ever wear high heels or care much about being fancy. Therefore, I felt uncomfortable being at the wedding. I didn’t even feel like I was mysel...

Category: Student Blog
Lisa King, Colombia
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It is your first day back to school and you are getting acquainted with your new classes. Maybe it’s your first year, maybe you have been doing this for a while. The excitement, nervousness and anticipation of what the semester has in store for you pulses though your veins. You mingle with new classmates and reconnect with the old ones, grab your syllabus and head towards the bookstore. Along the way you notice posters plastered to the walls in the halls. Need a tutor?, Great deal on a suite! and various varsity sport tryouts. You pass by them with mild interest, one by one, and join the long queue at the bookstore entrance. The wait is painfully long, you check your phone, shove it back in your bag, check it again and realize it’s only been moments. You are given a moment of st...

Category: Writers In Residence
Nicolas Zdunich
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1. Music
Layovers, gatherings, beach days, lazy Sundays, train trips, white water rafting excursions, and so many other outings are all about to take place. This is your moment, people make movies about the adventures that you are about to embark on, so load up whatever device you have with all the songs you can. These songs will undoubtedly become the soundtrack to your vacation and remain in a special place in your heart for years to come. They become the soundtrack to your life. 

2. eReader
I love my eReader, people always give me grief about reading on “real pages”, however, if you haven’t already experienced it, luggage restrictions are tight and if you are carrying your life on your back, downsizing is the way to go (trust me on this). T...

Category: Writers In Residence
Roya Firoozbakhsh
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Today I finished the last exam of my study abroad semester. I have three more weeks in the lovely city of Berlin and I can’t help but have all types of strong emotions. In Berlin, I found out who I really am, what I’m looking for, what I can’t stand, and what I wish to have. In Berlin, I found out what true happiness is. Most importantly, in Berlin, I found out how amazing it is to have a simple life.

I feel truly blessed to have had the chance to do my study abroad the final year of my studies because it changed my life for the better and it opened my eyes to possibilities for the future.

In the last four months I visited fifteen cities and eight countries. I met hundreds of people from different cultures and backgrounds and shared beautiful memories with people from all over the w...

Category: Student Blog
